Announced Masses for the Week of September 27th- October 4th, 2020


Announced Masses: 

Please note that due to the shortened format of Mass due to CoVid 19

Intercessions are not being read aloud, but continue to be offered by the celebrant as he celebrates Mass         

Sunday Sept. 27st, 8:00 am              João Carlos Raposo

Sunday Sept. 27st, 10:30 am            For the People

Monday Sept. 28th, 12:10 pm          Dorle Kromer

Tuesday Sept. 29th, 12:10 pm          Gloria Esford

Wednesday Sept. 30th 12:10 pm      Rita Turgeon

Thursday Oct. 1st, 12:10 pm            Irmgard Fellhofer

Friday Oct. 2nd, 12:10 pm               Alma & Clifford Jackson, 19th anni

Saturday Oct. 3rd, 5 pm                   Deceased members of Cosgrove & Barrett families

Sunday Oct. 4th, 8:00 am                 Intentions of Ann Lyng

Sunday Oct. 4th, 10:30 am               For the People