RCIA, Mystagogy, and Catechesis

Becoming a Catholic

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the normal way for unbaptized persons and those who have been baptized in another Christian tradition to become a Catholic, through a process of discerning and ritualizing the stages of gradual conversion. The rite of Christian initiation is designed for adults (and children of catechetical age) who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God’s help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully.


For the Unbaptized, the RCIA gradually uncovers the story of God’s salvation for all; the mystery of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection; and the workings of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the beliefs, sacramental life and spiritual practices of the Catholic Church. The initiation of catechumens is a gradual process that takes place within the community of the faithful and in accordance with the Church’s liturgical year. Together with the catechumens, the faithful reflect upon the value of the paschal mystery, renew their own conversion, and by their example lead the catechumens to obey the Holy Spirit more generously.

To begin RCIA, please contact Father Shawn at rector@stmaryscathedral.ca, or Deacon Blaine at deacon@stmaryscathedral.ca, or call the office at 613-546-5521


Recommended Reading

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Online version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the Vatican Website. The Catechism is a presentation of the essential teachings of the Catholic Church in regards to both faith and morals.

Mere Christianity

One of the most famous books of apologetics for the Christian faith. Written by the author of the Narnia books. CS Lewis’ ‘Mere Christianity’ will ready your heart and mind for More Christianity.

St. Thomas Aquinas

GK Chesterton’s delightful introduction to ‘St.Thomas Aquinas’, subtitled, ‘The Dumb Ox’. Thought by many, including the great Thomistic scholar,  ‘Etienne Gilson’, to be the finest introductory book ever written about Aquinas. Highly recommended.

Spiritual Theology

A wonderful introduction to the rich Catholic tradition of ‘Spiritual Theology’,  by Fr. Jordan Aumann O.P.  Great overview of authentic Catholic spirituality. Generously available in the public realm.

Catechism Search

An online search tool for the Catechism of the Catholic Church, try it, you’ll like it. For example, simply type in the word ‘Trinity’, or, ‘Christology’, or, ‘Mary’, and read and delight in the texts from the CCC that come up.


‘Orthodoxy’ along with ‘The Everlasting Man’, is one of GK Chesterton’s great works of apologetics for the Christian/Catholic Faith.

The Everlasting Man

‘Orthodoxy’ along with ‘The Everlasting Man’, is one of GK Chesterton’s great works of apologetics for the Christian/Catholic Faith.

Seeds of Contemplation

The book, “Seeds of Contemplation” by Thomas Merton is in the Public Domain. It was written and first published in 1949, and Merton died in 1968.

Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church; Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace

The Early Church Fathers

Writings of the Early Church Fathers

This Tremendous Lover

This Tremendous Lover by Dom Eugene Boylan


The Spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola

The Spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola by Hugo Rahner S.J.

Saint Francis of Assisi

Saint Francis of Assisi, by Johannes Jorgensen

Religion and the Rise of Western Culture

Religion and the Rise of Western Culture, by Christoper Dawson

Screen Shot 2022-06-16 at 5.11.27 PM

The Intellectual Life

The Intellectual Life: Its Spirit, Conditions, Methods. A.D. Sertillanges, O.P.

A Companion to the Summa, 4 Vols by Walter Farrell

A Companion to the Summa

A Companion to the Summa by Walter Farrell


The Essence of the Bible

The Essence of the Bible by Paul Claudel


The Humanity of Christ

The Humanity of Christ by Romano Gaurdini

The Spirit of Catholicism

The Spirit of Catholicism

The Spirit of Catholicism by Karl Adam

Set All Afire_ A Novel of St. Francis Xavi (de Wohl, Louis) (z-lib.org)

Set All Afire

Set All Afire by Louis de Wohl

A Chapter that Changed My Life 'Diary of a Country Priest

The Diary of a Country Priest

The Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos

The Practice of the Presence of God

The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence

Thomas Aquinas, His Personality and Thought

Thomas Aquinas, His Personality and Thought by Martin Grabmann

The Spiritual Life

The Spiritual Life by Very Rev. Adolphe Tanqueray

Sister Therese of Lisieux

Sister Therese of Lisieux

On the Problem of Empathy

On the Problem of Empathy by Edith Stein

An Augustine Synthesis

An Augustine Synthesis

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Augustine: Confessions

Augustine: Confessions

Edmund Campion

Edmund Campion by Evelyn Waugh

The Soul of the Apostolate

The Soul of the Apostolate by Dom Jean-Baptist Chautard


The Life of Teresa of Jesus

The Life of Teresa of Jesus

Ascent of Mount Carmel

Ascent of Mount Carmel by St John of the Cross


Christ the Life of the Soul

Christ the Life of the Soul by Blessed Columba Marmion


The Ascent to Truth

The Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton