Liturgical Ministries

Participation in the Holy Eucharist by all Catholics is an incredible privilege, available to us because we are made in the image of God and have been incorporated into His Body by His Son. It is a special privilege to be able to assist in the Eucharistic celebration as server, lector, eucharistic minister or presenter of gifts, and if we accept these tasks we ought to try especially hard to live in a way which manifests the grace which we receive in the Eucharist. More people are needed in all these areas of service; please consider carefully whether you could make a contribution in one of the following ways.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers

Servers are needed for Sunday Masses, weekday Masses and Funeral Masses; we do not have them at wedding Masses though it would be nice to do so if we had enough people available. The basic tasks of a server are probably well known to you: holding the missal at the presider’s chair, setting and clearing the altar during Mass, serving him with the breads, wine and water, and with water and towel for the ablutions, and ringing the Sanctus bell. At More solemn Masses there is also the Crucifer or crossbearer, and candle bearers; at some Masses – and always at funerals – there is also the Thurifer or incense-bearer. On great feasts such as Christmas and Easter, when the Archbishop celebrates solemnly, there are further offices to perform.

Of course, the role you offer to take is up to you; what is most needed at present are servers for Sundays and for funerals, though more servers for the weekday Masses would also be appreciated. Girls and women are most welcome as well as boys and men. If you wish to offer your services, please call Liz, 613-546-5521 ext. 3.

Training and scheduling: Nick Beadle


Extraordinary Ministers of Communion

Eucharistic ministers have perhaps the most awe-inspiring role of all – to deliver to communicants the Body and Blood of Christ. They are approved by the Archbishop and the Rector, and generally formally mandated for their task. Eucharistic ministers are needed not only at Mass but to take Communion to the sick at home.


Contact Juliet Trolio at if you wish to offer your services for this additional role.

Presenters of the Gifts

Presenters of the Gifts carry the bread and wine to be used in the Mass up from the centre of the main aisle to the celebrant at the altar. At the 10.30am Mass on Sundays, special arrangements are made with families to provide presenters. At other masses, parishioners who happen to be present are invited on the spot.



The Lector, as s(he) proclaims the readings is the Voice of God, for God is present in His spoken Word. Each reading needs to be prepared well in advance, and some training in speaking through the microphone is essential. Lectors also have to present the Prayer of the Faithful, which also needs careful study beforehand, especially for the pronunciation of names.


Contact Juliet Trolio at if you wish to offer your services for this additional role.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a worship time with children, ages 3.5-9.  It takes place during the 10:30 am Mass.  After receiving the Children’s Lectionary they follow the leader to St. James’ Chapel.  There they listen and reflect on the Word of God, they profess their faith and pray for their needs and the needs of the world.  Children return to their parents at the Offertory Procession.