04 Apr Good Friday
Homily by Archbishop Brendan M. O’Brien Good Friday 2018 St. Mary’s Cathedral Today, our liturgy is dominated by the image of the cross. ...
Homily by Archbishop Brendan M. O’Brien Good Friday 2018 St. Mary’s Cathedral Today, our liturgy is dominated by the image of the cross. ...
Deacon Blaine Barclay Palm Sunday March 25, 2018 Today is at the same time both Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday. A kind...
Homilies are never the creative act of one person. Thus, in posting these homilies on St. Mary’s Cathedral’s website I...
March 11, 2018 Deacon Blaine Barclay John 3:16, (chapter 3, verse 16), is arguably one of the most famous verses in the...
Disclaimer: Homilies are never the creative act of one person. Thus, in posting these homilies on St. Mary’s Cathedral’s website I...
Mountains have something special about them; they are majestic places, where silence reigns and where you get to look at...
February 18, 2018 Archbishop B. O'Brien As you perhaps noticed, references to water are prominent in the scriptural readings today. We see...
February 18, 2018 Archbishop B. O'Brien This afternoon, on the first Sunday of Lent, we celebrate the Rite of Election and the...
February 14, 2018 Archbishop B. O'Brien The symbol that dominates our celebration today is, of course, the distribution of ashes. Ashes, as...
Deacon Blaine Barclay February 25, 2018 I decided to give this homily a catchy title. ‘Transfigured transformation’; and to begin with a...