During these challenging times the Church’s mission continues. A crisis substantially increases the needs of the community. We must continue to meet this need by celebrating the Sacraments, proclaiming the Gospel, and serving the poor. In order to continue this important mission, the Church needs your generosity.
Contributing through recurring giving maximises your gift. Your recurring gift enables the Church to better predict the resources it has to support ministries and people in need. Your recurring gift will also benefit you. Not only can you continue to support the mission when absent, it is one less thing you need to remember to do.
St Paul advises us “On the first day of every week, each of you is to put aside and save whatever extra you earn, so that collections need not be taken when I come”. In that spirit we ask you to prayerfully consider setting up a portion of your gift via recurring giving.
Recurring giving is easy to set up by filling out the pre-authorized debit form and returning it along with a void cheque to the parish office or dropping it in the collection basket.
You may use online banking at your financial institution to send an etransfer to ‘smarys@cogeco.net‘. No password required.
Visit Canada Helps to set up recurring giving or make a one-time gift. All major credit cards are accepted. You will receive a tax receipt from Canada Helps for 100% of the value of your donation. The church receives the amount of your donation less a credit processing fee of 1.8%.
As always, you are welcome to continue to give during Mass by using the offering envelopes. Cheques should be made out to “St Mary’s Cathedral”. Envelopes can also be mailed to:
St Mary’s Cathedral
279 Johnson Street
Kingston, ON
K7L 1Y5
St Mary’s is pleased to be a member of the Community Spirit Gaming Association. Volunteers are back, helping to serve our charitable programs at the Community Spirit Gaming Centre. Their efforts help to raise funds to support the work and mission of St Mary’s Cathedral. Please visit the website for more information: